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What if I see mold or mildew on the floor joists in my crawl space?

What if I see mold or mildew on the floor joists in my crawl space?

May 2nd 2017

Don’t ignore mold or mildew on the floor joists in your crawl space. Among other concerns, mold and mildew can lead to health problems in humans as well as pets. As spores enter the living area from the crawl space, respiratory illness and odor will reduce quality of living. Your best strategy – remove mold and mildew and address the moisture problem.

Remove the mold or mildew

There are several cleaners available to help you easily address the problem. Crawlspace Depot offers a wide selection of choices. Read labels and follow directions carefully. Some products are designed to remove mold and mildew only, while others prevent future growth. Understanding the difference may guide your decision. If you are doing the job yourself, observe safety precautions including wearing a respirator protective clothing and safety goggles. Always wear appropriate gear when you scrub the mold and mildew. We recommend hiring a professional to take care of mold issues.

Address the moisture problem

Once you address the moisture problem, mold and mildew will no longer be an issue. Identify the source of the moisture and take steps to keep your crawlspace dry going forward. After you check all equipment and plumbing for leaks, you may also want to consider closing the crawl space.

Why close the crawl space?

There are many benefits to closing your crawlspace. A primary benefit is the opportunity to reduce or eliminate mold and mildew on floor joists. Creating a clean, conditioned space under the home offers other advantages. For example:

  • Reduced heating and cooling costs for a smaller environmental footprint.
  • Better air quality in living areas of the home. No more worries about musty odors or spores that contribute to respiratory illness or discomfort.
  • Warmer floors in winter, which adds to your comfort.
  • Improved structural health of the home. Moisture also causes buckling and warping of hardwood floors. Additional warping may eventually impact doorframes and window sills so doors and windows no longer close properly.
  • Reduced incidence of pests. Rodents and other pests are attracted to warm, moist conditions. Closed crawlspaces eliminate the conditions that encourage infestation.

Crawlspace conversion is easy. Closing the crawlspace involves sealing vents, installing a moisture barrier and adding insulation to reduce or eliminate moisture. Crawlspace Depot has all the supplies and expert advice you need to convert successfully.

Think of mold and moisture as a sign that action is needed. Clean up the mold and address the moisture to protect your home. Have questions? Call on our friendly, knowledgeable staff. We are here to help.

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