Articles & Research
Building an Unvented Crawlspace
This Green Building Advisor article confirms that sealed crawl spaces have less mold and stay dryer than vented crawl spaces — and they often save energy.

Advanced Energy Report on Closed Crawl Spaces
The most comprehensive and definitive report on closed crawl spaces, covering design and implementation recommendations for closed crawl spaces, recommendations for improving existing wall-vented crawl spaces, a summary of Advanced Energy's crawl space research results, and answers to frequently asked questions about mold in crawl spaces.

"To Vent or Not to Vent?"
- Professional Remodeler, September 2004
New research indicates that rather than removing crawl space moisture, venting makes the problem worse.

"Closed Crawl Spaces Do Double Duty"
- Home Energy, January 2005
A field demonstration project of closed crawl spaces vs. vented crawl spaces in North Carolina shows that this robust moisture control method also offers significant energy savings.

"Closing the Crawl"
- Builder Magazine, October 2005
Answers to a reader's question "When a home is built over a crawl space foundation, what are the advantages, if any, of sealing the vents versus leaving them open?"

"Case Closed"
- Pest Control Technology Magazine, February 2007
A business growth opportunity overview for pest control companies interested in offering crawl space closing services.